Hyeonseo Lee's Personal story
FILMED FEB 2013 • POSTED MAR 2013 • TED2013
Hyeonseo Lee speaks out for those who can’t in her native country of
North Korea. She tells of how pride and programming work well in indoctrinating
a society. In fighting for freedom, she almost lost her life, but never
lost perspective or hope. Today, for example, Communist China’s economic health
is feared more than its economic demise. We were taught Communism doesn't work.
It doesn't for those still living in China’s peasantry. Those who
once believed a great communist leadership would lead them out of misery.
Instead, the same hardships they faced in the past still exist.
The story of Communist North Korea is a sad one. We can remember the joy the
world felt when Germany was reunited, and in a way the world feels the same
about North and South Korea. They were once one nation and one people. Divided
by other countries, against their will, and assimilated into different
cultures; North Korea’s intense discipline opposing the South’s thirst for
As seen on Examiner.com
FILMED FEB 2013 • POSTED MAR 2013 • TED2013