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Monday, May 20, 2013

Russia supplying the Syrian Government, while the U.S. trains the rebels.

English: SOCHI. With President of Syria Bashar...
English: SOCHI. With President of Syria Bashar al-Assad. Русский: СОЧИ, БОЧАРОВ РУЧЕЙ. С Президентом Сирии Башаром Асадом. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

U.S. officials are concerned about the increasing aid the Syrian Assad government has been receiving from Russia. According to,

Russia has delivered a new shipment of 290-km Yakhont missiles to the Syrian Assad Government.
In 2011, Russia had supplied the government 2 Yakhont missiles, and at the time had promised more. Along with the missiles, the Russian government also plans to supply the Assad Regime with S-300 advanced air defense systems. Russia has also deployed up to a dozen ships to its naval base in Syria, over the last few months. The fact that the Russians have decided to continue to supply the President Bashar al-Assad's regime, will mean that Russian firepower will be meeting U.S. firepower in the struggle for Syrian control. According to the New York Times,
The United States has also been training a select cadre of Syrian rebels in Jordan under  a covert program run by the C.I.A.”
The U.S. has admitted to sending 200 troops to Jordan, and is willing to send up to 20,000. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, President Barack Obama announced Friday that he would be cutting back on funding requests for the war in Afghanistan. This announcement comes as a surprise to military personal, who have reported an increase in violence in Afghanistan targeting westerners in the past few weeks. NATO forces were targeted last May 16 in a suicide blast that killed 2 U.S. troops, and on May 5, 2013, 8 soldiers from an American-led military coalition were killed by roadside bombs and firearms in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The Syrian conflict is of greater concern to the Israeli government, who has not admitted to, but is suspected of, being behind the bombing of the Syrian Jamraya Research Center on May 5, 2013, in an effort to stop Hezbollah from getting advanced weapons. According to CNN, this attack prompted the Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby, to ask the United Nations Security Council to 'move immediately in order to stop and prevent Israeli attacks on Syria.'

The New York Times reports that it is estimated that close to 1.5 million people have fled the conflict, and most have fled to Jordan and Lebanon. They also report that Syria's national production has dropped by 40% and the number of people living below the poverty line has risen from two million to five million in just two years"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The IRS adds more scandals to its list

Seal of the United States Internal Revenue Ser...
Seal of the United States Internal Revenue Service. The design is the same as the Treasury seal with an IRS inscription. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A class action suit was filed on March 11 in California, by Robert Barnes against the Internal Revenue Service for stealing and improperly accessing 60 million medical records. On March 11, 15 IRS agents raided a California company, only known in the law suit as the “John Doe Company”, in an attempt to confiscate information related to an employee that no longer worked there. The medical records belong to over 10 million Americans, most of whom live in California. The list includes members of the Screen Actors Guild, Director’s Guild, state employees, and includes both prominent and ordinary citizens.

The complaint states that these medical records had no relevance to the IRS search, and accuses the IRS agents of seizing the documents against their wishes, and regardless of the objection and warnings of company executives. The IRS agent’s conduct in the investigation is also being questioned in the law suit, because of their casual use of the company’s offices to watch basketball and eat pizza during their raid.
The law suit was filed by Barnes in the San Diego Superior court, and alleges that the IRS violated the privacy rules found in the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA. Medical records were not the only private items seized. According, The agents also took personal mobile phones belonging to employees.
The “John Doe Company” seeks $25,000 in damages “per violation per individual” who’s records were taken, the return of the documents, and government assurances that there will be no retained copies of the private material.
There is a second law suit being filed against the IRS by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).  NOM alleges that the IRS released confidential information from their 2008 tax returns to their reform issue opponents: the Human Rights Campaign, who then posted the information on their public website. The private information included a donor list; among the donors was Mitt Romney. 

Congressional Committee and Justice Department IRS investigations will continue in the following weeks on matters related to allegations that the IRS targeted conservative organizations in giving greater scrutiny when they applied for non profit exemption.

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IRS Commissioner, Steven Miller resigns

IRS building on Constitution Avenue in Washing...
IRS building on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Washington, D.C. - Steven Miller, IRS Commissioner, announced his resignation today.  In a press conference this evening, President Barack Obama said he was “angry” about the allegations that the IRS was targeting conservative or tea party groups to be reviewed with greater scrutiny when applying for non-profit eligibility. Steven Miller held very important tax exempt related positions prior to being assignment the highest position in the Internal Revenue Service.

Prior to his appointment as Commissioner of Internal Revenue, he served as the “Commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.” In this position his job included overseeing the administration of  “tax law” related to tax-exempt organizations. He also served as the “Director of Exempt Organizations”, with former positions in the same department as assistant. Steven Miller also served as a Congressional staff member for the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The Justice Department will be investigating the matter further, and several congressional committees have been created to address the issue. This Friday the House Ways and Means Committee, the Housecommittee in charge of the nation’s tax writing, will hold hearings this Friday and order several IRS employees named in Inspector General’s Audit, to testify. According to Fox New,s the Republican-led committee wants to start hearings on Monday interviewing Holly Paz, an  IRS director, John Shafer, a manager, Gary Murhert, a screener; Liz Hofacre, a case coordinator, and Joseph Herr, a manager.
According to the Washington Post, along with the House Ways and Means Committee’s investigation, Senator Max Baucus says the Senate Finance Committee will also investigate the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, as will the Government Reform Committee.
According to the Tea Party, evangelist Franklin Graham sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday, notifying him that he believed Christian charities had also been targeted by the IRS, along with the conservative groups. There are two groups he mentions, the Samaritan’s Purse, and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, both had been subjects of an IRS probe during the 2012 campaign season.
Conservatives are pointing to the fact that Obama’s brother, Abon’ go Malik Obama was able to obtain tax exempt status for “The Barack H. Obama Foundation” immediately and through what they believe was preferential treatment. The foundation, which states is dedicated to a “wide array of development and humanitarian projects” received tax exempt approval in a month according to Fox News , while conservative organizations waited up to three years, and some are still waiting. In addition, the foundation had a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status made “retroactive to 2010.“ The foundation's website actively collects donations, but does not fully explain how the money is allocated.
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Friday, May 10, 2013

Prince Harry tours the U.S.

English: Prince Harry at a 2009 charity match ...
English: Prince Harry at a 2009 charity match at , London. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prince Harry was joined by Michelle Obama today to honor military mothers. He was greeted at the White House for an event that honored the sacrifices made by military troops and their families, and commemorating Mother's Day. The gathering included children who had worked hard making Mother's Day presents, and a reception with a guest list of 170 mothers, grandmothers and children.
His visit to the White House was followed by a tour of Capital Hill. in the heart of Washington D.C. The prince was more than welcomed in the Capitol; he was met with cheers and applause from the crowd that had gathered to catch a glimpse of the very popular royal. Harry was able to tour a landmine exhibition in Congress which gave him many memories of his mother, who was a leader in the fight to rid the world of landmines. The prince is also expected to attend a dinner at the residence of Sir Peter Westmacott, the British ambassador to the U.S.

This Friday Prince Harry will be visiting Arlington National Cemetery, and will also be visiting the sick and injured at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. This will be followed by a flight to Colorado for the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs, that will be hosted from May 11-16. The event is held for wounded or ill service members who compete in a range of sports including: volleyball; cycling; shooting and wheelchair basketball. There are five U.S. armed forces teams, joined by a British squad in this annual competition.

Prince Harry will also visit areas that were devastated by Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey. That trip will be followed by a visit to New York City in a tour that supports the “Great Campaign," a government initiative which promotes the U.K. around the world. The prince will end his tour by playing in the Sentebale Polo Cup match in Greenwich, Conn., on Wednesday.
Harry is following in the footsteps of his late mother, Princess Diana, as patron of the Halo Trust, whose purpose is to remove the debris left behind by war, the organization is commemorating its 25th Anniversary this year.

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Death for the "Death Saint"

Saint Death (Santa Muerta)
Saint Death (Santa Muerta) (Photo credit: ShiraleeS)
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, in charge of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture, has denounced the Death Saint worshipped by a cult that reveres death.  In Spanish the Saint is called “Holy Death” or “Santa Muerta.” The Idol representing this saint is a female’s skeleton wrapped in a shawl and some hold bladed scepters. This cult dates back to the period of SpanishColonization, when the tradition of honoring saints was first used to the native cultures. Many who pray to Santa Muerta make altars in her honor, and pray to receive wishes granted.  The issue is that they are praying to death and according to the Vatican it “degenerates the religion.” Cardinal Ravasi said that the saint does not represent religion and is blasphemous against religion.

Cardinal Ravasi said the practice was "anti-religious". "Religion celebrates life, but here you have death," he said. The danger lies in those who practice it, since this death theme has turned the cult to practice black magic. Eight people were arrested last year in Mexico for the murder of two boys and a woman in a sacrificial ritual. The victim were held down on an alter and cut them draining them of blood until their death.
The ancient practice of sacrificing humans goes way back to early American history in the Central and South American tribes. According to historical accounts, “The Aztecs would give a series of rituals to unlucky nearby tribesman to be sacrificed with an obsidian knife, and donate their blood to Acolnahuacatl, an Aztec god. When they knew he had finished his drink and he was no longer thirsty, they would end the sacrificing. This ritual would go on for a whole weekend, so as to please the god."

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Israel Outraged over the honoring of Islamic Terrorist Abu Jihad and Israel Divestment on a Rise

A United Nation's sponsored contribution to the Ansar al-Quds Club for a soccer tournament, that honored Abu Jihad, last month has caused many Israelis to wonder if the United Nations is taking sides on the Israeli-Palestine crisis.  The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), sponsored a West Bank soccer tournament in April that honored a notorious terrorists.....................................The "Israel divestment" is a movement that is gaining force. Some may see it as anti-Semitic in it's nature. The group and it's movement hope the international community boycotts industries doing business with Israel. This would truly cripple the Israeli economy and put the nation under greater risks, nonetheless last week UC Berkeley joined those boycotting Israel.... here to read full story

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Florida's new No Texting and Driving Law soon to be passed

Florida is rushing to get out a "no texting while you drive" law. It passed through the Florida Senate with ease, and the Florida House of Representatives will most likely pass it next week. The reason it has passed to quickly, is that it is an easy and comprehensive law that starts slow in its introduction. First, if you break the law it won't cost you that much, second everybody in Florida seems to want this law, it's just that they all want to break it too.

We have seen the commercials played over and again about someone's loved one that has died because they were driving and texting. They make sure to hit home by letting you know the deceased "last words." Historically, unless you are at someone's dying bed, or with them at the exact time a horrific accident or purposeful death happens, you're not going to hear someone's last words. Today's technology brings even death's words to those already grieving.

I find myself doing it, especially in the town I live in, where 3 minute lights are the norm. Could you imagine how it would be like when the law tightens, and it will. We'll have police officers on the beat for our clicks.
This the break down of the law:
A - A cop can't pull you over just for that, you have to be making another infringement of the law. This is similar to how they introduced the seat belt laws
B - The first offense is $3. I guess they suspect a lot of young people taking a ticket or two to get in the habit of not doing it

Venezuelan recounts Smartmatic machine votes, Will the U.S. be next?

Many Venezuelan-Americans are praying hard this week in hopes that a recount of votes can either remove Nicolas Maduro from power, or minimally allow for a new election. The Venezuelan National Electoral Board (CNE) promises to make a partial audit of the April 14 election that allegedly gave Maduro a marginal victory.

The Venezuelan President of CNE, Tibisay Lucena has not promised to count all the ballots, if anything he says it's impossible to approve the type of request that Henrique Capriles has asked for, and he considers it beyond his jurisdiction legally to do so. Part of the voting system used was Smartmatic, the same electronic voting system used in the U.S. America should keep a close eye on the difficulties Venezuela is facing in validating their votes, because we may see ourselves dealing with similar issues. Henrique Capriles, and his supporters feel that the Venezuelan election was either manipulated or faulty. He has asked for a recount of all the votes, promising to take the issue to the Venezuelan Supreme Court where he plans to demand a new election.

The electronic voting system Smartmatic, has a thumbprint reader, but scrambles the order of votes, so there's no way of knowing where the votes came from. Smartmatic is having more than one security issue. Smartmatic was used in Manila, Philippines in 2010, and the votes were reported from districts that didn't even exist. The fact that the United States uses the same voting system should given many alarm. Earlier this year, the United States Commission of Elections, better known as Comelec, decided to use the machines for upcoming elections regardless of all the glitches. Do we really want to have another "disputed" election? Although Comelec has decided not to use the thumb mark, it will continue to still use the company's faulty CF compact flash (CF) hard system, which has been known to have problematic issues.

In 2012, when used here in the U.S., Smartmatic had to replace 76,000 of them because they were not configured properly. Why is Comelac so tied to Smartmatic? Well there is one company that wants to know, LDLA Marketing, a company who lost their bid for the CF cards, filed a petition against Comelec and filed it with the U.S. Supreme court. The company leaders feel that Comelec has played favorites to Smartmatic in the public bidding for the compact flash CFs. As far as Venezuela is concerned, the critics doubt there will be any changes in leadership as a result of the voting recount, but at least it exposes frailties in the Smartmatic system that Comelec should review, or the U.S. will pay for the consequences. Our nation is divided as it is, any disputed major election would only separate the country more.