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Thursday, May 16, 2013

IRS Commissioner, Steven Miller resigns

IRS building on Constitution Avenue in Washing...
IRS building on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Washington, D.C. - Steven Miller, IRS Commissioner, announced his resignation today.  In a press conference this evening, President Barack Obama said he was “angry” about the allegations that the IRS was targeting conservative or tea party groups to be reviewed with greater scrutiny when applying for non-profit eligibility. Steven Miller held very important tax exempt related positions prior to being assignment the highest position in the Internal Revenue Service.

Prior to his appointment as Commissioner of Internal Revenue, he served as the “Commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.” In this position his job included overseeing the administration of  “tax law” related to tax-exempt organizations. He also served as the “Director of Exempt Organizations”, with former positions in the same department as assistant. Steven Miller also served as a Congressional staff member for the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The Justice Department will be investigating the matter further, and several congressional committees have been created to address the issue. This Friday the House Ways and Means Committee, the Housecommittee in charge of the nation’s tax writing, will hold hearings this Friday and order several IRS employees named in Inspector General’s Audit, to testify. According to Fox New,s the Republican-led committee wants to start hearings on Monday interviewing Holly Paz, an  IRS director, John Shafer, a manager, Gary Murhert, a screener; Liz Hofacre, a case coordinator, and Joseph Herr, a manager.
According to the Washington Post, along with the House Ways and Means Committee’s investigation, Senator Max Baucus says the Senate Finance Committee will also investigate the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, as will the Government Reform Committee.
According to the Tea Party, evangelist Franklin Graham sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday, notifying him that he believed Christian charities had also been targeted by the IRS, along with the conservative groups. There are two groups he mentions, the Samaritan’s Purse, and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, both had been subjects of an IRS probe during the 2012 campaign season.
Conservatives are pointing to the fact that Obama’s brother, Abon’ go Malik Obama was able to obtain tax exempt status for “The Barack H. Obama Foundation” immediately and through what they believe was preferential treatment. The foundation, which states is dedicated to a “wide array of development and humanitarian projects” received tax exempt approval in a month according to Fox News , while conservative organizations waited up to three years, and some are still waiting. In addition, the foundation had a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status made “retroactive to 2010.“ The foundation's website actively collects donations, but does not fully explain how the money is allocated.
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